Friday, 12 August 2016

First Blog


This is my first entry on my new website. I am working out the kinks the best that I can considering
that all things technical are difficult for me. I am learning everyday so onwards and upwards.
I will try to post every Friday morning with news of all things regarding recent paintings,
progress on commissions and news about the classes when they begin in September.

I am busy revamping, cleaning and organising the art room for another season. I am excited to get started and to see all my students again. Trying to juggle everything at the moment is challenging..
too many balls in the air really but that makes it fun! So what if I drop one now and then?

So , because I love quotes, I will try to post something inspirational each week surrounding a lesson
life might be trying to teach me. I am over coming fear about doing new things. I saw an article in the Independent that talked about reframing fear into excitement about whatever it is that has you upset.
Harvard Business School has done a study that reveals if you do this, you perform much better at the task. So, I am trying this strategy and it is working!

The other issue is expressing your fears to the wrong people. It is so important to talk it out and yet it has to be to a person you can trust who won't judge or say anything negative.  Here is a quote or two about choosing carefully who you open up to: " I have said too much unto a heart of stone." Shakespeare and "Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak whispers the oe'rfraught heart and bids it break." Shakespeare as well. I found these in one of the best books I have read in awhile, The Five Things We Cannot  Change..and the Happiness We Find by Embracing Them, David Richo. I highly recommend reading it!

So, there it is. My first entry. I will put up photos of the finished art room and latest painting next week.

Love and Light,


  1. Well done Elaine on your first blog post, I look forward to your inspirational quotes on Fridays
