Friday, 9 December 2016

Apologies to anyone following my weekly blog but I have not had time to post for either week 11 or week 12 of my classes, which are now finished for the year. I did a two  hour figure drawing class last week for my Leaving Certificate students which went well. I have been under pressure finishing two commissions for Christmas also besides planning and decorating for our annual Christmas party etc..
Busy times! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I will post over the break if any paintings are completed. "If you can't find Christmas in your heart, you won't find it under a tree." All the very best, Elaine
This commission was a success and the recipient client delighted!

Friday, 18 November 2016

Week Ten of the classes has come and gone with incredible speed.Time is flying in the run up to
Christmas. The energy is high as the photos of the children and their art will reflect! I did get a bit of time to work on my own paintings also. The quote of the week is, "Someday your life will pass before your eyes, make sure it's worth watching!"
Mermaid in Progress

Ferdia's Cheetah
Kayla's penguins

Friday, 11 November 2016

Week Nine of Classes

We have successfully completed Week Nine of the art classes. I had time to paint my own work as well as make progress on my commissions too.
 Quote of the week , "Sometimes the best thing to that you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best."

 I changed the composition and I think it will work a bit better, more room for her beautiful tail!

 Orla McConneell, one of my students, won a competition!

 Anysia, one of my Leaving Cert students, is working on a beautiful painting of a match burning series image. She has great skill.

 These are Cormac's silver football boots. He is making them for his sister for Christmas ad is quite excited to give them to her!

Max's Seaside home
 Maili's cool cat. pier!
Sponge Bob by Cliona
Sarah's cute elf

Friday, 4 November 2016

October Break Week

Hello again! I have been on holidays week now and what a week it has been! I have been dressed as a vampire twice, went to a party sang at a party, went to the Macnas paraade had a party and still found time to paint! I am adding some images I painted a few years ago from Tom Giblin's Gathering which is coming up again this November 18 weekend. I also put up an idea the students are working of painting Edvard Munch's "The Scream" and putting themselves collaged into it. This one is of me obviously. I love the string sculpture well. The quote for this week: "Sometimes I pretend to be normal but it gets boring so I go back to being me!"

String Sculpture
Ferdia's Moon Star lamp

Friday, 28 October 2016

Week Eight of Art Classes

This was the eighth week of the classes. I was busy with commissions too but I did find time to work on a new painting of my own, which is great.  The painting is of a mermaid and it is me. I have painted my happy little mermaid at home under a sea I took from a wave scene image in America of our favourite beach. The sky is Irish. I am content in my little world beneath. I love the movement and composition and the beautiful greens and blues. The quote of the week is "Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher." This wont let me upload photos of the paintings so I will try later! All the best, Elaine

Friday, 21 October 2016

Week Seven of my Fall Art Classes

The boys in masks!
My own beginning
of a painting of a calf.
Rubies WolfWillows Ghoul

 I am delighted to report that I have finished two commissions and now have time to do some of my own work.  I have started a new commission as well. The students in my classes are getting in the spirit of Halloween as you can see with the photos I have added.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The quote that best illustrates this week: "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained in sudden flight but while their companions slept they were toiling upwards in the night." H.W. Longfellow

Friday, 14 October 2016

I missed an entry last week because I was away on Friday when I usually have time to put up recent work.

I have a few things of my own to show you this week. All artists need to find what they have done well in a painting rather than always focus on what is wrong with a painting. Refreshing!

Friday, 30 September 2016

Week Four of Classes

  Hello again! Here are examples of some of the great work the students are doing at the moment .
 I have been so busy with the classes I have had little time to paint myself! I am working on two commissions at the moment and both are surprises for people so I cant put them up in case someone sees them that isn't supposed to!

Life is good and the quote for the week is "Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with love." Mother Teresa
   That is what I aspire to do. Over and out for another week. Have a   great week!

Friday, 16 September 2016

Week Two of the Art Classes

   Hello again to all!  Another week has sped by and here are some of the finished sculptures my students made. I have to say there were moments during this week that I was as truly happy as a person can be. I love what I do. The kids are great and we have so much fun.  Life is hectic with such a busy schedule but this quote for the week encapsulates the truth of it all." There is no such thing as a work-life balance. Everything worth fighting for unbalances your life." So true. My life may not be balanced but it sure is exciting!

Friday, 9 September 2016

Adult painting weekly progress

Hello again! I and will follow the process of this students work step by step each time she works on it and show you how she gets on. This is step one, the underpainting and drawing in. I cannot wait to see this finished!

First week of Classes

Hello again from! The first week of classes was a great success. All students started their work and the work is great so far! I have students of all ages and everyone enjoyed getting back to work. Enthusiasm was high and I am delighted. I still have one space left on Wednesday 7-9  adult painting due to a cancellation. I have two spaces on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 (which is a  kids class )due to a cancellation and swap to another day! The quote of the week is: " Don't worry about failures. Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try!" All the best, Elaine

First week of classes

Friday, 2 September 2016

A new week!

Another week has flown by in the life of Elaine Conneely and www.connemaraoilpaintings .com!

What's new is that I have four paintings on show at the Builin Blasta Café Bakery in the Ceardlann Craft Center in Spiddal, Co.Galway. Heather Flaherty, chef and owner, is a lovely woman. The food and atmosphere is great. I am very grateful to her for the opportunity to hang my work.
My classes start on Monday, September 5. I have three spaces left in total, one on Monday evening and two on Tuesday afternoon if anyone is interested.

So the life lesson that has arisen for me this week is defined in the following quote:

" At some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live in what is happening." Love it! Live it as best you can. Have a great week.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Well folks, the Art Room is ready to go.
All I need it to add students, ideas and enthusiasm! Classes with ElaineConneely  ,, start Monday, September 5. The classes are all full. I might have space one or two new students, that's it.

It was hard work, but worth it to see the art room looking so tidy, organised and ready to go.

I am working on a new commission and a series of new paintings as well. Busy times."No matter what happens you can get through and even enjoy this day. Inhale. Focus on the word 'relax'.                                                              Exhale. Say, "I can do this! And then do it!"