Friday, 20 January 2017

Hello to all! I am back after my Holiday Break. I have some student work to show after our first week back together. Some of the drawings and paintings were inspired by a new idea I have introduced
in the classes. I have filled a box with 41 creative suggestions that the students can select and then create a finished piece from. For example, "What is a Flexamagoogin?" They have been loving it. I think we all need to exercise our imagination muscles a bit more than we have been! Great work under way already as you can see below!
Alex and his clay snake

A kid with monsters, version 1

Grace's Matt Damon

A burger under construction

A kid with multiple monsters, version 2

Siofra's giant burger

Cliona with her kid and multiple monsters, version 3

Micheal and his snake

CupCake Mountains

A monster in a puddle

Hairy Monster Feet

This will have a tree added next week

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