Saturday, 28 January 2017

Hello to all who are reading this! Week Two of Spring Term 2017 has great results! All the students
are enjoying the Golden Creative Bucket Challenge I introduced this term. Here are some of those pieces either finished or in progress along with other great work done this week.
Caitriona's answer to 'Draw an Aliens dinner table!

Caitriona's kitten

Megan's answer to draw hairy monster legs

Ferdia's Vegetable conversation

Isabella's talking pencil

Megans kid with multiple monsters

Isabella's monster coming out of a puddle

Maili's snake

Mac's conversation between pinky and thumb

Alex's snake

Labhoaise's burger

Micheal's snake

Friday, 20 January 2017

Hello to all! I am back after my Holiday Break. I have some student work to show after our first week back together. Some of the drawings and paintings were inspired by a new idea I have introduced
in the classes. I have filled a box with 41 creative suggestions that the students can select and then create a finished piece from. For example, "What is a Flexamagoogin?" They have been loving it. I think we all need to exercise our imagination muscles a bit more than we have been! Great work under way already as you can see below!
Alex and his clay snake

A kid with monsters, version 1

Grace's Matt Damon

A burger under construction

A kid with multiple monsters, version 2

Siofra's giant burger

Cliona with her kid and multiple monsters, version 3

Micheal and his snake

CupCake Mountains

A monster in a puddle

Hairy Monster Feet

This will have a tree added next week