Friday, 30 September 2016

Week Four of Classes

  Hello again! Here are examples of some of the great work the students are doing at the moment .
 I have been so busy with the classes I have had little time to paint myself! I am working on two commissions at the moment and both are surprises for people so I cant put them up in case someone sees them that isn't supposed to!

Life is good and the quote for the week is "Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with love." Mother Teresa
   That is what I aspire to do. Over and out for another week. Have a   great week!

Friday, 16 September 2016

Week Two of the Art Classes

   Hello again to all!  Another week has sped by and here are some of the finished sculptures my students made. I have to say there were moments during this week that I was as truly happy as a person can be. I love what I do. The kids are great and we have so much fun.  Life is hectic with such a busy schedule but this quote for the week encapsulates the truth of it all." There is no such thing as a work-life balance. Everything worth fighting for unbalances your life." So true. My life may not be balanced but it sure is exciting!

Friday, 9 September 2016

Adult painting weekly progress

Hello again! I and will follow the process of this students work step by step each time she works on it and show you how she gets on. This is step one, the underpainting and drawing in. I cannot wait to see this finished!

First week of Classes

Hello again from! The first week of classes was a great success. All students started their work and the work is great so far! I have students of all ages and everyone enjoyed getting back to work. Enthusiasm was high and I am delighted. I still have one space left on Wednesday 7-9  adult painting due to a cancellation. I have two spaces on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 (which is a  kids class )due to a cancellation and swap to another day! The quote of the week is: " Don't worry about failures. Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try!" All the best, Elaine

First week of classes

Friday, 2 September 2016

A new week!

Another week has flown by in the life of Elaine Conneely and www.connemaraoilpaintings .com!

What's new is that I have four paintings on show at the Builin Blasta Café Bakery in the Ceardlann Craft Center in Spiddal, Co.Galway. Heather Flaherty, chef and owner, is a lovely woman. The food and atmosphere is great. I am very grateful to her for the opportunity to hang my work.
My classes start on Monday, September 5. I have three spaces left in total, one on Monday evening and two on Tuesday afternoon if anyone is interested.

So the life lesson that has arisen for me this week is defined in the following quote:

" At some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live in what is happening." Love it! Live it as best you can. Have a great week.