Thursday, 20 September 2018

Portrait of Marie I did
Week Two  and Three of Elaine's Art Classes and some of my own work too! 

Another portrait of Marie

Student Work

Image may contain: flower

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No automatic alt text available. Image may contain: flower and plant No automatic alt text available. Image may contain: cloud and sky No automatic alt text available. No automatic alt text available.  Image may contain: one or more people No automatic alt text available. No automatic alt text available. No automatic alt text available. No automatic alt text available. No automatic alt text available. No automatic alt text available. No automatic alt text available. No automatic alt text available. Image may contain: drawing Image may contain: one or more people and people standing No automatic alt text available.    

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Week 1 of the new term                      Image may contain: tree, outdoor, nature and water Image may contain: grass and outdoor   Image may contain: ocean, sky, cloud, outdoor and water
Examples of my Adult student work.
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Children and Teen class work. A fantastic start so far! I cant wait too see what the students produce this term. So exciting!!!!
Image may contain: flower, plant and natureHere are few more of my favourites from the past Spring Term. The new term starts September 3. I still have a few spaces left.

No automatic alt text available.   Image may contain: cloud, ocean, sky, outdoor, water and nature 

Image may contain: 1 person    No automatic alt text available.  No automatic alt text available. 

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Wednesday, 15 August 2018

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Eabha's Mr. Trump

Image may contain: bird and outdoor
Caitriona's Duckling
Highlights of the Spring 2018 Art Classes
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Venice by Mairin
Image may contain: bird