Saturday, 27 May 2017

Week Three of the Four week extention of Classes

Hello again!
     What a busy week this has been!. Lots of art made by students and loads of paintings started by myself of my new mermaid series. I will post them when they are further along.
I am excited about them, that is for sure! One more week of art classes left!
Caitriona's first self portait in pencil

Lucy's completed design

Alex's Pirate Ship

Maidhc's Marble Run

Orla's Art Goddess
 Here are a few of the pieces that my students completed this week. I also got a big commission that will keep me quite busy for awhile which is all good! The quote of the week is, "Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything."

Friday, 5 May 2017

Week 1 of the new 4 week Term

I have not posted in awhile due to Easter and a break from the classes. I have started a new style of painting. It is still new and experimental but I am excited about the possibilities. I also have some great work to show from this first week back. The quote for this week is;"It's impossible," said PRIDE. "It's risky, "said EXPERIENCE. "It's Pointless," said REASON. "Give it a try," whispered the HEART.
Alex and his parachute

Siofra's Watercolor

Heidi's Florescent Octopus

Kelly's parachute

Kelly's Screamer

Orla's Owl

Siofra's Design

Riona's fish

Siofra's Spin art

Elaine's new Colorist style experiement