Saturday, 7 October 2017

Week 5 of Elaine Conneely's Art Classes

Week Five has flown by in a flash of great work and fun. The quote of the week is, " They laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at them because they are the same."
Here are some highlights of adults and children alike:
Ben's painting

Ainnir's Dog

Bird Cage

Cathal's Bird

Dualta's Marvel

Cormac's Hurler

Fionnans Mirror

Jackie's Stone

Joan's Tree

Riona's Sea Horse

Sara's Cow

Siorfra's Kingfisher

Mairins Bike

Max's Castle

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Week Four of the Art Classes

We have sailed through another week and such beautiful and memorable works of art have been created and others started! The time flies when we are together in class. The quote of the  week is:
" Comfort zones are beautiful places but nothing grows there." Push yourself to see what your potential truly is was the message all week. Here are some highlights:
Ainnir's roll monsters

Aisling's cat

Aisling's mask

Caitriona's Cats

Iarla's intense pencil study

Heidi's baby seal

Learrai's Hurler Close up

Learrai with his Hurler


Michael and his marble run

Martina's trees (Adult class)

Mairin's Bike (Adult)

Rion's tank

Siofra's mask

Stevie and his mask

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Week 3 of Elaine Conneely's Art Classes

What an amazing third week! Some absolutely beautiful work was started and completed.
I myself finished a commission which looks okay I think. Here are a few images to illustrate what we did this week as a group. The quote of the week is, "A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there."
Aisling's Colorful cat in progress

Alex's light up aquarium

Ben so happy with his potato with eyes!

Cliona's camogie player

Ferdia's famous hurler

My Lady in progress

Maidch's name sculpture

Stevie's Clown with monsters in jars

Orla's Amazing Fox!

A pretty spin art close up!

Riona's lovely bird

Siofra and  Roise

Friday, 15 September 2017

Week Two of the Art Classes! Lots of great work was started and completed. I love the enthusiasm and the focus of my students. Its an honour and a privilege  to watch them process ideas and then create! The quote of the week is: "The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone."van Goethe
Roises's cat

Aisling's dragon

Siofra's Artic Dog

Doireann's Baby Giraffe in progress

Dualta's Graphis Batman

Max grabbing Ben with his invention!

Michael's Dragon

Oscar's Pirate Ship!

Fionnan's Liam Mc Carthy Cup

Maebh's Unicorn!